Distance Sales Contract

Article 1 - Parties

Seller Information:



- Telephone: [Your Phone Number]

- E-mail: hello@farren.com.tr

- Web Site: farren.com.tr

Buyer Information:

- Name-Surname: [Recipient's Full Name]

- Address: [Recipient's Address]

- Telephone: [Recipient's Phone Number]

- Email: [Recipient's Email Address]

Article 2 - Subject

The subject of this contract is to determine the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts in relation to the sale and delivery of the product / products whose qualifications and sales price are specified below, which the Buyer ordered electronically from the farren.com.tr website of the Seller.

Article 3 - Product Information Subject to the Contract


- Type and type: [Product Information]

- Quantity: [Amount]

- Make/Model: [Brand/Model]

- Color and Body: [Color and Size]

- Sale Price: [Sale Price]

- Total Price including VAT: [Total Price]

- Delivery Address: [Delivery Address]

- Delivery Person: [Person to Deliver To]

- Invoice Adresi: [Invoice Adresi]

Article 4 - Delivery and Delivery Costs

Delivery will be made to the delivery address specified by the Buyer through the cargo company. Delivery costs belong to the Buyer unless otherwise stated. The Product(s) shall be delivered to the Buyer within 30 (thirty) days at the latest from the approval of the order by the Seller. The Seller is not responsible for any delays that may occur during delivery.

Article 5 - Declarations and Commitments of the Buyer

The Buyer declares that he / she has read and informed the information regarding the basic qualities of the product / products subject to the contract, the sales price and payment method and the delivery and delivery costs and that he / she has given the necessary confirmation electronically. The Buyer accepts and undertakes that the order placed within the framework of the provisions of this contract is under payment obligation.

Article 6 - Right of Withdrawal

The Buyer has the right to withdraw within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery of the product subject to the contract to him or the person / organization at the address indicated by him, without any justification and without penalty. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, written notification must be made to the Seller within this period and the product must comply with the return conditions. If the right of withdrawal is exercised, the product(s) delivered to the Buyer must be returned. In case the right of withdrawal is exercised, the shipping cost of the products to be returned is covered by the Seller.

Article 7 - Products that cannot be used right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the following cases:

- Products prepared in accordance with the Buyer's request or explicitly personal needs,

- Products that are perishable or likely to expire,

- Products whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; products that are not suitable for return in terms of health and hygiene (underwear, swimwear, etc.).

Article 8 - Dispute Resolution

Consumer Arbitration Committees and Consumer Courts are authorized to resolve disputes that may arise from this contract. The Buyer may make complaints and objections regarding the contract by applying to the Provincial or District Consumer Arbitration Committees in cases where the price of the product / products received is less than 6.920 TL; In cases where it is above this amount, it may apply to the Consumer Courts.

Article 9 - Enforcement

This contract shall enter into force on the date of approval by the Buyer electronically. The Buyer declares that he/she has read, understood and accepted all the conditions set forth in this contract.

This contract protects both the buyer and the seller while meeting the legal requirements.

Article 10 - Payment Terms

The Buyer shall pay for the product(s) using the payment method selected during the order. For payments made by credit card, bank transfer or other payment methods, the order becomes valid as of the moment the Buyer completes the payment process. The Seller shall not deliver the product(s) until the payment process of the order is completed.

Article 11 - Termination of the Contract

If the Buyer does not use the right of withdrawal, the Buyer accepts that he / she accepts the product / products purchased within the framework of the provisions of this contract and accepts that he / she is under payment obligation. The Seller has the right to terminate this contract unilaterally, but in case of termination, the Buyer is notified and the payment, if any, is refunded.

Article 12 - Confidentiality and Protection of Personal Data

Personal information provided by the Buyer will be processed and protected in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK) and the relevant legislation. The Seller will use this information only for the purpose of order processing, product delivery, ensuring customer satisfaction and fulfilling legal obligations. For detailed information, you can review the Seller's KVKK and Privacy Policy.

Article 13 - Force Majeure

In the event of force majeure (natural disasters, war, terrorist attacks, fire, epidemics, state interventions, etc.) that prevent one of the parties from fulfilling its obligations under this contract, the obligations are suspended. In such a case, the parties cannot claim any compensation from each other. After the force majeure is eliminated, the provisions of the contract continue to be applied from where they left off.

Article 14 - Enforcement and Acceptance

The Buyer accepts, declares and undertakes that the order placed over the internet has been realized within the framework of the provisions of this Distance Sales Agreement. This contract enters into force on the date of approval by the Buyer electronically.